30 Day Gratitude Buddies Guided Journey
In this Guided Journey, “buddies” - pairs or groups of three - share gratitude lists with each other over 30 Days. In addition to a guided space for sharing gratitude lists, this Journey includes introductions, personal stories and optional meditations.
Buddies build connection while building a positive new habit.
Enjoy the journey!
Gratitude Buddies Guided Journey:
What’s going right? Where is there ease or flow - in your day, in your overall life? What made you smile?
What wasn’t a struggle?
Have a look at the Gratitude Buddies content, stories and the theme for the day. Take some time to contemplate, share a deeper reflection or practice the daily meditation.
Write your gratitude list in the guided message, as well as any additional reflections,. Then send your message to your buddy.
Do it again in a day or two. Hopefully, your buddy will have sent you something too. In the reflections, you may also wish to comment on something they shared.