I know it’s good for me… but I don’t feel like it!
Not unlike a “writer’s block”, sometimes we just can’t be grateful. When we just don’t feel like counting our blessings, or simply can’t, we may have a “gratitude block.” We know gratitude is good for us, but in a certain moment - or period - we feel too angry/sad/scared/jealous, etc and we just don’t #$@$% feel like it…!
Practicing gratitude in those moments may feel forced or inauthentic.
What then?
Like writer’s block, a gratitude block is a normal part of the process and a normal part of life. We shouldn’t resist the block or beat ourselves up about it. Like all things, this too shall pass.
In the meantime, here are some suggestions for how you may wish to handle it:
If possible, take a moment of quiet and identify the feeling that is causing the block. This may be an opportunity to practice meditation and observe the feeling mindfully and with self-compassion. A simple technique is to sit quietly and try to breathe into the feeling, noticing and observing how it manifests in the body. You may wish to ask yourself some gentle questions like, what triggered this feeling? Is there another way to look at this situation? Is there some action I can take to remedy the situation?
If it’s not possible to sit, a simple 3 breath micro-practice can help. In such a practice, we take three deep breaths: a long slow inhale, holding the breath on the top for a few counts, and on the exhale a quiet affirmation like, “may I be at peace.” Placing a hand across our chest can also be of benefit.
If you feel comfortable, speak with your buddy or a trusted companion. Hard feelings are part of life and getting another perspective may help navigate a difficult moment.
Get moving. Emotions manifest in the body, and they can often be moved through the body with movement. Some possible avenues are yoga, dancing or running. Sometimes even a walk around the block can inspire a different way of thinking.
Get some sleep. A new day often offers a fresh perspective. Skipping a day of your gratitude practice is not a sign of weakness or failure, and may even be a sign of self-care.
Above all, be gentle with yourself. As you are, the stuck emotional energy may begin to change, revealing that every time we are able to treat ourselves with kindness and compassion, it is truly something to be grateful for...