You’re awesome, so own it.
The other day, I was scrolling through social media, as we humans are apt to do, and suddenly felt a blast of inadequacy, as is apt to happen. If you haven’t seen the GB video on this topic then have a look. It’s not the exact theme, but it’s close.
Anyway, I came across someone on Linkedin who is now Global Head of XYZ, and good for her, really. But the question popped into my head, as is apt to happen, why am I not Global Head of ABC?
Oh, social media. It SETS US UP for these comparisons, and I’d venture this must be part of its addictive hook. We bounce form curiosity to gratification to inadequacy to inspiration to validation to irritation and back again. Yes, it helps us in some ways, but nobody can tell me we don’t pay a price for that.
If you find yourself immune to this tug-of-war, then THAT belongs in your Gratitude Journal. We need to clone your genes. :)
Anyway, I got to thinking about why a “gratitude practice” - or use another term if you like - is so important. It’s because we need a voice, and it needs to be our own voice, to recalibrate those perceptions; to balance the social media distortion. We all - each one of us - have a lot in the PLUS column but we need to note it - write it, speak it, acknowledge it somehow.
The 30 Day Gratitude Buddies Journey has 3 or 4 Days dedicated to how we relate to ourselves, what we APPRECIATE about ourselves because this is so important - maybe the most important. I have a few Organizations interested in working together, and at first I felt shy about this: would people at work be able to deal with acknowledging their own virtues, positive traits, the MANY things they do right… AT WORK….to another HUMAN?
Well, why not!?
This is a crucial part of living an enjoyable and successful life.
So maybe we all need to get a little more comfortable acknowledging, if not saying outright, I’m pretty $#$@ing awesome. :) 😝 And if needs adding, not in the arrogant, defended way, but rather with a healthy sense of entitlement.
ps, if you happen to be looking for a photo online captioned “self-love” it is much harder to find one of a man. Is this because people think woman need self-love SO much more than men or because men can’t touch this topic with a ten foot poll?
If the latter, it brings up a) why this topic is SO important and b) why I feel shy about bringing it into the workplace!