You're all done!
Hope you enjoyed your mini-Gratitude Journey! In total, you should have counted at least 21 different items to be grateful for and shared them with your buddy. You also likely received about 21 different items from your buddy!
What now? Scroll down!
It would be a good time to check in with your buddy and debrief. Ideally, have a live chat - see a face, hear a voice - see how it went for each of you.
Then what?
Look below.
Want to go further?
Yay, we’re delighted!
Here’s a sneak peak of the topics covered in the first 10 Days of the 30 Day Guided Journey:
Day 1 : Setting an Intention
Day 2 : What Gratitude is and IS Not
Day 3: The Gift of Attention
Day 4 : Pathway to Joy
Day 5 : Self-love and compassion
Day 6 : Being Me
Day 7 : Day of Reflection
Day 8 : Ordinary Miracles
Day 9 : In Hard Times
Day 10 : Beautiful People
For 30 days, you’ll have access to these guided lessons (and 20 more!), while you maintain a daily - or near-daily gratitude practice - with your buddy. But there’s also more, so have a look!
Not for you right now?
No problem!
We’re happy you tried Gratitude Buddies. If you had a good experience, please consider leaving a testimonial.
We also love all sorts of feedback and ideas for improvement. While we can’t take everything on board right away, we’re always thinking about how to improve the experience.
So please send your suggestions here.
And THANK YOU for being here and giving us a try.
We wish you all the best - love, joy and gratitude - on your next life steps!
Warmest wishes,
Team GB