Two ways to practice with a Buddy:

Most people begin with the 30 Day Guided Journey.

Then pick up with 365 Days for maintenance.

  • 30 Days practice with a buddy

  • Daily themes with curated content, science, stories and quizzes

  • 3-4 Minute daily meditation to match the theme, as well as longer options

  • Messaging platform that guides exchanges with one or two buddies

  • Paced together; 3 months to finish 30 days

  • 7 Day option available for new Buddies

  • When 30 Days are finished move on to 365 Days of Gratitude.

  • Click here to see example: Day 1.

Click here for full calendar. Scroll below for photo montage.

January 11: What is a favorite memory with an older person, such as a grandparent?

March 2: When did a financial mistake teach you an important lesson?

July 15: When were you struck by a meaningful coincidence or serendipity?

September 5: What is something you like to eat that is also “good for you”?

November 14: Share about a song or musician that helped you through a hard time.

  • Messaging platform that guides exchanges with one or two buddies

  • Unique gratitude prompts + intro for every day of the year

  • 3 minute daily meditation to match the prompt

Scroll below for photo montage.

30 Day Guided Journey

365 Days of Gratitude Buddies

Find out more about: How It Works.