The Art of Giving Thanks
Want a more profound Gratitude experience?
Join the Art of Giving Thanks and connect with your buddy in class. These virtual sessions will last 60 minutes (some sessions may run a little longer) and include content, discussion, journaling, a gratitude meditation and time to connect with your buddy.
The outline looks like this:
Introduction: Why We Practice; What We Gain
Relationships and Gratitude for Others
Nature-Connectedness and Noticing Small Joys
Gratitude 2.0: Shifting Perspectives About “Good” and “Bad”
The first class is free; if you decide to join all four, the fee is $99. After the first class, you will be assigned a buddy to check in with every week during class and one final time after classes have ended.
Interested? I would love to have you. Fill out the Doodle poll and let me know when you are free. Let's make 2023 the year gratitude becomes a way of life!