Well done!
You finished the 3 Day Thanksgiving Challenge. 😊
If you and your Buddy both indicated that you’d like to share information, we’ll follow-up with an introductory email.
If you chose not to, no problem. If your Buddy chose not to, it’s not personal. People participate for different reasons.
Finally, some Buddies are very responsive. Others are not. If yours wasn’t, we’re sorry for that and hope you found the practice useful anyway.
You may wish to find a Buddy from our Community OR practice with a Buddy you already know. Discussing in advance, creates a more accountable practice.
What now?
Fill out a free profile and connect with Buddies on our community page.
Get a paid membership (3 months or 1 year): take a 30 Day immersive course (see calendar) or practice 365 Days of Gratitude.
Bring GBs to an organization, group or company ☺️
Share anonymous feedback: let us know how to improve.