This page is for companies and organizations. Are you an individual seeking support during a move? We can help you too! Click here to find out how.
Empower Relocating Employees
By some estimates 40% of employee relocations fail.
Because moving to a new location, particularly a new country, can be very challenging:
new culture
maybe a new language
Plus, sometimes family members also need to adjust - perhaps they won’t have a job or miss their friends.
Even with the excitement of a new job, such an adjustment period often includes stress and feelings of grief and dislocation. New culture, language, systems, customs, relationships require extra time and energy and flexibility. All this change can take a toll on wellbeing and mental health.
Gratitude Buddies invites you to consider a unique way to invest in your relocating employees!
By pairing your new employee with a Gratitude Buddies Coach as we support them in building a healthy mindset and focusing on the positives of their move. We help them weather the adjustment period with greater connection, wellbeing and resilience. Their Coach acts as a reliable support person, on a wellbeing journey, with up to a year of support.
What we offer:
Gratitude Buddies Coach: In the beginning, your employee will have their own private Gratitude Buddies for a 30 Day Gratitude Journey to help them establish a gratitude habit and focus on the benefits of the move, while processing the challenges. They’ll have two online sessions, but more are possible, depending on the need.
The 30 Day Gratitude Buddies Guided Journey: a 360 look at Gratitude and a proven holistic wellbeing Course, including daily themes meditation, content, stories, quizzes, etc.
365 Days of Gratitude: after finishing 30 Days with their coach, employees can continue practicing Gratitude on their own or find a Buddy to join them.
A Smoother Transition: Our expert coaches support relocating employees in cultivating a positive mindset and navigating challenges with greater resilience. Our goal is to help them find the joy and excitement in the move as they navigate the obstacles and challenges.
Improved Employee Wellbeing: By fostering a culture of gratitude, we promote enhanced mental health and increased employee morale.
Community of Gratitude Buddies: We can help your Organization build a community of Buddies who want to practice together. Our innovative "Gratitude Buddies" program allows employees to practice with a wide range of different Buddies, getting to know new people in a unique and positive way.
Gratitude Buddies Expertise:
Our founder, Abigail Somma, is a seasoned meditation and mindfulness trainer with a wealth of experience on the expat journey (having relocated multiple times and lived in three different countries.) She has worked with prestigious organizations like Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, NYC Public Schools, and the United Nations. Want to hear firsthand from her clients? We’ll put you in touch.
We work with Expat Coaches: an inspiring, compassionate and vetted group of Meditation Teachers and Coaches, who can support your employees during their relocation. They specialize in areas like stress management, grief and teamwork.
Ready to unlock the transformative power of gratitude for your relocating employees?
Contact us today to learn more about our customized programs and how we can support your employees with successful relocations.