Want to give
Gratitude Buddies as a gift?
See which option fits best.
1) I want to pay for me and my buddy to take a Gratitude Journey together.
69$/69€, for 3 months
Pay for 2. When you sign up, include your buddy’s name and email. They will receive an invitation with you in bcc.
2) I want to buy a gift for 1 (that person will then need to find a buddy to join them).
49$/49€, for 3 months
Pay for 1. When you sign up, you will need to enter the name and email of the gift recipient.
We will send a gift email with you in bcc.
3) I want to buy a gift for 2 (I’m giving the gift of Gratitude Buddies to someone and they can invite a buddy).
69$/69€, for 3 months
Pay for 2. When you sign up, you will need to enter the name and email of the gift recipient.
We will then send a gift email with you in bcc.
When the gift recipient signs up, they will also need to include the email of their buddy, who will receive a separate invitation.