You made it to your last day of reflection and only two more days until your 30 Day Journey is finished.

Well done!!

After today, you will have noted and shared 84 different gratitude items with your buddy. Amazing! That’s a lot to be grateful for… and keeping your commitment is truly something to be proud of.

Has it gotten easier for you or have you hit bumps later on in the journey? Perhaps something to consider as you reflect today.

You are also invited to the following exercises:

  • Read through what you’ve written so far and notice if anything stands out; what do you want more of in your life? Does it spark new ideas or paths to take?

  • Read through what your buddy has written - what made you happy? Notice what you have in common, what’s different; perhaps note what you’d like to experience from their list. Does that spark any new ideas?

    Or does their list trigger any unexpected feelings, like guilt or envy? Explore it privately in a journal, or if you have a close personal relationship, perhaps it’s worth discussing together.

  • Practice today’s meditation, which is about 20 minutes.

  • Send thoughts on any of the above to your buddy in today’s Reflections. If you are practicing with a Buddy you know well, take this opportunity to share something you appreciate about them!

  • Throughout the 30 Day Gratitude Journey, there are 4 Days of Reflection with a longer meditation: 20 minutes. Obviously, you are welcome to use it as often as you like.

    If you are short on time, use the 3 breath practice after you write your list.

    Inhale for 5 counts

    Hold for 5 counts

    On the exhale, call to mind the 1st item on your list.

    Repeat with the second and third items

    You can also try to add a smile or hand on chest to this practice

Gratitude Message for your Buddy

After writing, scroll down to the GREEN button: ‘SEND TODAY’S MESSAGE.’

DO NOT click on the PINK button at the bottom right or you will lose what you have written.

Optional prompt

Day 28: Day of Reflection: WEEK 4

Today you’re invited to reflect on your Gratitude Buddies Journey so far.