Traveling with a buddy makes the journey better…
Traveling with a buddy can make the journey more rewarding. But with reward comes responsibility. We’re making a commitment, not just to reaching our own goal, but to helping our buddy reach theirs.
Basic ground rules:
In this journey, buddies commit to writing down 3 gratitude items over 30 days. Ultimately, you will share about 90 different people, places and things that spark a sense of appreciation, love, fun, joy, relief, etc in you.
If you like, you can also include why. Going into the reasons why we appreciate something can help us connect to the feeling of being grateful.
At the beginning, it’s recommended you and your buddy connect over a few ground rules. See video below! At the end, you and your buddy are encouraged to have a live “chat” - to discuss takeaways and next steps. (Feel free to check in more often if you like.)
Please respect confidentiality - do not forward or share messages without permission.
Honor boundaries, your own and your buddies: you may be truly grateful that your spouse is no longer having an affair or that you no longer have pain in a sensitive area, but we don’t need to share everything with our buddy! If you don’t already have a relationship where you discuss personal details openly, you may wish to stick to small joys and life’s often overlooked gifts, of which there are many. Or feel free to discuss in your initial chat.
DO NOT “ghost” your buddy - speak openly if a problem arises, priorities change or you are having trouble keeping up. If you haven’t heard from your buddy in a few days, you can send them a GENTLE NUDGE.
Finally, celebrate successes and have fun with it!
What makes Gratitude Buddies so special? It’s the magic of two people coming together and creating a genuine connection as they look for the good in their lives.
Here are 10 Ways to be a Good Buddy!
1) Be authentic - let your buddy get to know the real you; it’s ok to have hard days too
2) Be responsive - like or appreciate something your buddy wrote? Let them know!
3) Be grateful - naturally :) appreciate your buddy’s time and effort
4) Be timely - keep your buddy commitment; don’t keep your buddy hanging for too long
5) Be curious - as you approach the world, your gratitude practice and your buddy
6) Be respectful - buddies are not therapists, so let’s not give them that role. Honor buddy boundaries.
7) Be open-minded - your buddy may not be like you and that’s ok!
8) Be a witness - we are all beings full of stories; we act as a witness for our buddy’s experience during this journey
9) Be non-judgmental - one of the keys to mindfulness is non-judgment; good buddies don’t judge!
10) Be expressive - tell stories; use emojis to show context or feelings
11) Oh and one bonus, Be humorous (maybe?) gratitude can be funny... !
Pretty much everyone who has ever tried it, knows traveling with a buddy is not necessarily easy. There can be stumbles and bumps in the journey.
If at any point, you feel triggered by your buddy, try not to fret. This may be an experience worth exploring deeper. You may feel your buddy has more to be grateful for than you do; they may not be as responsive as you would like; they may share too much or too little.
Whatever the case may be, take it as an opportunity to explore what this trigger is about for you. Perhaps you may even embrace it: as someone showing you an area where you need to look a little deeper.
In the worst case, if you are very uncomfortable or your buddy is abusive in any way, please halt and let us know!
Make your life a little easier and fill out the form below. Your buddy’s information will autofill going forward. But please double check everything! ☺️
Next steps:
So you’ve found a buddy and are ready to go. Fantastic!
This journey is designed to give you an opportunity to learn a little more about each other and/or get to know one another in a more meaningful way.
Have a look at the form below (as a sample). Then set reminders if you like!
Pop on over here and take a moment to introduce yourself to your buddy (or buddies)!
Think of your buddy like a “gratitude penpal.”
Sample Buddy Message
Do not fill out.
Section 1: Select the Day in the Journey
Section 2: If you like, share how you feel arriving to the practice
Section 3: Your gratitude list - ideally 3 or more points
Section 4: You can include an image here
Section 5: A space to share any additional reflections about the introduction, meditation, process, or your buddy’s entry, etc.
Section 6: Let your buddy know how this practice was for you today: easy or not so easy.
In order for your buddy to get your message you must know their email. By filling out the form above, it will autofill for you.**
Now you’re ready to move to Day 1!
*Gratitude Buddies respects and honors your privacy. For questions, see Terms and Conditions.
**This program works best in pairs. But if you want to practice with a larger group like a family or group of friends, consider using a shared Whatsapp Group as you follow the course.