“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”
Pablo Picasso
Many, if not all of us, have had our lives changed or positively influenced by a creative work. More likely than not, we’ve had our lives changed over and again by the act of creation, our own or someone else’s. Our world opened up, our perspective shifted, our heart expanded…
At the same time, gratitude itself can be a source of inspiration in the arts. Poets Mary Oliver and Rumi come to mind, as does this short, famous film by Louie Schwartzberg.
Have a look at this lovely poem by Anna Kamieńska, inspired by the feeling of gratitude:
Gratitude | Anna Kamieńska
A tempest threw a rainbow in my face
so that I wanted to fall under the rain
to kiss the hands of an old woman to whom I gave my seat
to thank everyone for the fact that they exist
and at times even feel like smiling
I was grateful to young leaves that they were willing
to open up to the sun
to babies that they still
felt like coming into this world
to the old that they heroically
endure until the end
I was full of thanks
like a Sunday alms-box
I would have embraced death
if she’d stopped nearby
Gratitude is a scattered
homeless love
I love the arts: dance, music, poetry, literature, photography, theater etc. I love being both a consumer and a creator of the arts. I love the different elements that come together in Kanye West’s Runaway, Paul Simon, some of Taylor Swift’s lyrics, a powerful opera note, fine art and a whole lot of other stuff.
For the video above, I choose classical fine art in the public domain. Even if it’s not your favorite form of creativity, I imagine we all can appreciate the immense amount of time, energy and detail that went into creating these artistic works, beloved by many.
By good fortune, I also found two talented musicians who were willing to share their collaboration with me: Hannah Reeves and Veronica Thomas. In this video, they’re playing a famous Welsh lullaby, Suo Gân, cello and violin respectively.
For these 30 days, I am extremely grateful to all the artists, including poets Ellen Bass and James Crews, who have allowed us to benefit from their work as we practice. Finally, I am immensely grateful to all of you, reading this, for giving your time and attention to these pieces, including my own. Have you felt inspired to create any art of your own, during these last few weeks? That would be truly wonderful.
Because in a certain sense, we are all, at some level, both creators and consumers of the arts. I am again reminded me of our interwoven interdependence, and how we complement and carry each other forward on life’s journey.
Today’s optional meditation:
For today’s meditation, take 3 full, deep breaths to center yourself, and then watch the video above again. You can also close your eyes, and bring your full presence to the music.

Gratitude Message for your Buddy
After writing, scroll down to the GREEN button: ‘SEND TODAY’S MESSAGE.’
DO NOT click on the PINK button at the bottom right or you will lose what you have written.
Optional prompt
Day 23: Artists and Creators
Today you’re invited to reflect on art - in all its forms - and the act of creation.