Let’s start today, with a long, deep breath. How did that go for you? If it was relatively smooth, you have one thing to add to your gratitude list today.
Now if it’s available to you, touch your toes. Able to do that? That’s two.
Take a look around. What do you notice? If you’re able to that, you have all three.
Can you hear anything right now? That’s a bonus for today. :)
You get the idea. As with many things, it’s often that we don’t fully appreciate our human bodies until something stops working. So let’s take today to appreciate what we do have - what is working.
The temptation to criticize our bodies or bemoan their challenges can be pretty strong: especially when we received negative messages about our bodies, are in physical pain or feel our body let us down somehow.
But let’s try to be intentional about relating to our bodies in a positive way: paying attention to what does work; what we do appreciate; and all the ways our body supports us in doing what we love.
Let’s consider:
What do you like or appreciate about your body?
When were you proud of it?
What is working?
What does it allow you to experience or enjoy in this human form?
Neuroscientist Christina Costa turned to gratitude when diagnosed with a brain tumor (10 minute TED talk).
What happens when you show up at a busy public square in your bathing suit, with pens, inviting people to write on your body. The result is pretty touching! (4 minute video)
Your options:
1) 3 Minutes on the Body
2) 8 Minute General Gratitude Meditation with music
If you are short on time, this 3 breath practice can be done after you write your list:
With eyes closed or lowered gaze:
Inhale for 5 counts
Hold for 5 counts
On the exhale, call to mind the 1st item on your list.
Repeat with the second and third items
You can also try to add a smile or hand on chest to this practice

Gratitude Message for your Buddy
After writing, scroll down to the GREEN button: ‘SEND TODAY’S MESSAGE.’
DO NOT click on the PINK button at the bottom right or you will lose what you have written.
Optional prompt
Day 17: Body Positivity
Today you’re invited to reflect on your body and your physical health.