There are no ordinary moments.
From a certain perspective, nothing is ordinary. No matter where we are right now or what is happening around us: we are inhaling oxygen, exhaling carbon dioxide, atop a giant round orb rotating in pitch black, known to us as “space”. We don’t know really know if we “existed” before we were born or in what capacity we’ll “exist” after we die.
It’s all very interesting! It’s all a mystery. When we begin to embrace the mystery of being alive, we can begin to see that everything we encounter is part of this mystery. Even when life is hard, It’s still all very interesting.
Part of what’s kept us going as a species for many hundreds of thousands of years is our adaptability. But this same quality, which is valuable in some circumstances, can keep us blind or adapted to the “ordinary miracles” all around us. When we look at everything as though it is a miracle or a gift, we begin to awaken to the inherent intrigue, inside of everything, and often even beauty.
What was once mundane can become fascinating.
This poem invites us to reflect on “ordinary miracles.”
Beneath the intricate network of noise
there’s a still more persistent tapestry
woven of whispers, murmurs and chants
It’s the heaving breath of the very earth
carrying along the prayer of all things:
trees, ants, stones, creeks and mountains alike
All giving silent thanks and remembrance
each moment, as a tug on a rosary bead
while we hurry past, heedless of the mysteries
And, yet, every secret wants to be told
every shy creature to approach and trust us
if we patiently listen, with all our senses.
1) 3 Minute Meditation on Ordinary Miracles
2) 8 Minute General Gratitude Buddies Meditation
If you are short on time, this 3 breath practice can be done after you write your list:
With eyes closed or lowered gaze:
Inhale for 5 counts
Hold for 5 counts
On the exhale, call to mind the 1st item on your list.
Repeat with the second and third items
You can also try to add a smile or hand on chest to this practice

Gratitude Message for your Buddy
After writing, scroll down to the GREEN button: ‘SEND TODAY’S MESSAGE.’
DO NOT click on the PINK button at the bottom right or you will lose what you have written.
Optional prompt
Day 8: Ordinary Miracles
Today you’re invited to reflect on “ordinary” miracles.